Milo Clarke is an aspiring actor known for his stint on British drama series titled Casualty. This young TV actor made his debut on Casualty as Theodore Gowan in 2021. Before appearing on the British TV sitcom, Milo Clarke has been in a TV mini-series, Face. Here are some lesser-known facts about Milo Clarke’s wiki, age, girlfriend, net worth, and more.
10 Interesting Facts about Milo Clarke
- Milo Clarke is an aspiring TV actor best known for his role on the long-running British TV show, Casualty.
- Before appearing on Casualty, Milo Clarke has been on a few projects like Transformation: The Alchemy of Harm Reduction and Face. You can find his filmography on his IMDb wiki.
- Milo first appeared on Casualty on August 14. The British show has an ensemble cast including Derek Thompson, Amanda Mealing, and Michael Stevenson.
- This aspiring TV actor is in his 20s. Meanwhile, the precise information regarding his age and birthday is not published.
- If you are wondering about his parents and family, Milo was born to his British parents. The identity of his father and mother is on the loose.
- This TV actor does not have a Wikipedia biography. So, most of his personal details are missing for now.
- In his mid-20s, seemly, Clarke could be enjoying his time with his girlfriend, only if he has a girlfriend.
- The Casualty actor began his career in 2013. In all these years, Clarke has managed to stay out of any controversy. It is relatively shocking that the actor has been away for relationship rumors and link-ups.
- Clarke has a decent height with a lin physique. This actor could be standing around 5 feet tall.
- Some of the senior cast members of Casualty earn in the range of £350,000 to £399,999. Milo Clarke could be making less, still, he could be making a decent earning. The actor could have a handsome net worth.
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